As the days decrease and the autumn grows

Today was wet, cold but beautiful, the blushing leaves all over they ground looked magnificent but only to be trampled on as we go by our daily businesses.

A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.
John Steinbeck



I searched high and low for these suspender tights, but when someone online mentioned where to find them from UK website. I jumped on that opportunity. Some may never think to shop at target but look at this gorg dress I found, I just love it and I regret not getting it in every color. Ladies, wear your confidence, you may have a potatoe sack on, but the way you wear it and the energy you exhume with anything you put on.

We gain strength and courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face…we must do what we think we cannot. Eleanor Roosevelt.

Comment below and let me know what you think of the new direction im taking with the blog, good or bad, im open to critism. I finally have better pics!!

Thanks to my pal RN photography…im excited share my inspiration.

14 responses »

  1. Beautiful Njam’s love that your dress matches the leaves…

  2. good job njamz!!!!!! i love me them tights gurrrlllll

  3. Love the whole outfit . Shoes are 5 stars ;))

  4. I love love love this post… great concept, love the outfit and did i mention the shoes damnnn!!!! girl. Only issue i have is the back ground color of the blog….

  5. Me really really likey!!

  6. Wow Njamio.. This phenomenon! Great pics, messages, quotes, girl, yo destined for greatness. Keep going strong!


strap them shoes on and walk with me, let's talk...